Curious about playing or running Mothership Sci Fi Horror RPG? We give you an overview of what you need to know, from the perspective of having run it for a year and throughout the draft updates. Plus, we offer important cautions about 0E (aka Zero Edition, the beta version).
Although we talk about the overall experience of running Mothership 1E (aka First Edition, the latest version), in future episodes we’ll talk about specific scenarios, adventures, and campaigns...
++ Many Mothership adventures, game tools, and other content can be purchased affordably at this DriveThruRPG link [affiliate link]. Using our affiliate link helps the show via commission, without downsides to you--please consider it!
++ At the time of episode release, Mothership Sci Fi Horror RPG 1E (First Edition) has officially released. Kickstarter backers and pre-order purchasers should have received digital versions of the game (we have) and should be receiving physical goods soon. Visit or the Mothership page [affiliate link] for more info on Mothership, and other Mothership content.
++ The Mothership Companion App, created by Andrew Sheridan, is an incredible tool to generate and manage player characters. It is free but you can pay a one-time fee to unlock premium features like ultra rapid character randomization and unlimited character slots. I think it's more than worth it but try out the free version to see if you like it and might want to support it that way. It can be found on the Apple and Google Play mobile app stores. It helps to add "Sheridan" as a search term. While it is still totally usable, at the time of episode release, it has not yet been fully updated for the final release draft of First Edition (1E)--users may still see things like old damage values (e.g., see the shotgun or frag grenade). The dev, Andrew is working on updating the app.
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++ Music from Epidemic Sound, by Marten Moses. Sign up and try a subscription with our Epidemic Sound affiliate link to help the show!
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