Podcast Movement Evolutions and The Podcasters Hall of Fame recap, a moment at the Ambies that got Rob all fired up, Apple charts are not influenced by ratings and reviews (we know - shocker,) Elsie ask you, the bestest audience ever for help on another tech tool! Don’t let me down! A possible new Spotify podcast discovery feature, #Reviews4Good is back! And we are once again participating 😊 Overcast has gotten a re-design, how to properly cite a podcast – great stuff, quick takes on the Edison Research Share of Ear Report and of course our stats with the mean and median download numbers!
Audience feedback drives the show. We’d love for you to contact us and keep the conversation going! Email thefeed@libsyn.com, call 412–573–1934 or leave us a message on Speakpipe! We’d love to hear from you!
Quick Episode SummaryThank you to Nick from MicMe for our awesome intro!
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
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