Episode description
So, what does “Punk Rock Attitude” mean, anyway?
There are as many answers to this question as there are punk rockers.
Although the connection between heavy metal and horror is well documented, the connection between horror and punk rock isn’t discussed as much.
Yet, movies like CLASS OF 1984, and LIQUID SKY, and RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, and even RE-ANIMATOR exude a punk rock attitude with a nihilistic brand of humor and irreverence.
And now, there's a new punk rock kid in town! THE RANGER (2018) is an homage to slasher films and punk rock movies from the 1980s, and director/co-writer Jenn Wexler joins me to talk about horror, music, fake blood recipes, and becoming a surprise hit at SXSW!
I hope you enjoy the show!
Movies Covered:
The Ranger (2018)
Beneath (2013)
Darling (2015)
Like Me (2017)
The Transfiguration (2017)
Habit (1995)
Follow The Ranger on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRangerMovie
Follow Jenn Wexler on Twitter: https://twitter.com/J_Wex
Follow Glass Eye Pix on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlassEyePix
My book, Screaming for Pleasure: How Horror Makes You Happy and Healthy on sale NOW!
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