Episode description
Everyone is a fan of something, right?
Some people become obsessed with things. Most of the time, these obsessions are harmless fun for people. Sometimes our obsessions involve more than just us, and sometimes these obsessions are inconvenient to people around us.
And then there are the obsessions that endanger people around us.
And then there are obsessions that lead to cruel power over people.
Obsessions at the extreme can be horrifying.
In this episode I talk about obsessions put to film.
From the harmless joy of (over)celebrating Halloween, to having an obsession that leads to putting loved ones in life-endangering situations, to using obsessions to exploit and threaten people, the films in this episode span the spectrum.
I’ll talk about the 1981 movie Roar, which was recently released on Blu-Ray, that stars a Tippi Hedren and a young Melanie Griffith, and the new documentary Tickled, which is really about anything but tickling.
Thanks for listening.
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Movies Discussed:
The American Scream (2012)
Roar (1981)
Tickled (2016)