Episode description
You don’t need Hollywood to make a movie when you can make one in your own backyard!
Who needs a big budget when you’ve got a big imagination and some friends who are willing (or crazy enough) to get doused in fake blood?
In this episode, I honor the micro-budget horror movie – the movies made with tiny amounts of funds, and huge amounts of passion.
I speak from experience when I say they’re a huge amount of work. I’ll talk about some that really stand out among the pack, and you should try to track them down to watch.
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Movies and topics discussed:
The Doxey Boggart (2017)
Let’s Get Dead (1994)
El Mariachi (1992)
Blood Feast (1963)
Eraserhead (1977)
Within the Woods (1978)
Deadbeat at Dawn (1988)
Bad Taste (1987)
Shatter Dead (1994)
Darkness (1993)
Found. (2012)