Welcome back to our Saturday coffee klatch, where Heather Lofthouse (executive director of Inequality Media Civic Action, and my former student) and I discuss the highlights and lowlights of the week.
Today, on our roster:
— The pending Trump indictment for his attempted coup. When will it drop? What does it mean? Will it strengthen democracy or drive us farther apart? Where will this end?
— The “unitary executive” theory that Trump will likely utilize should he be reelected, along with several Republican-appointed justices on the Supreme Court. What is this theory, and why is it troubling? Where will this end?
— The Republican Party’s emerging strategy for 2024. Will it be all about Democrats’ alleged persecution and prosecution of Trump? Where will this end?
— The “No Labels” attempt at a third party. Is this going anywhere, and, if so, should we be pleased or worried, and why? Where will it end?
— More sources of big money behind Clarence Thomas. Where will this end?
— The hottest June on record. Where will this end?
— The summer of labor activism. Where will this end?
— Heather’s upcoming family reunion.