Wait what is that up ahead, ugh oh, it’s the holidays and they are headed your way. Oh, you saw it coming in Sept. at Target, my bad.
So, are you ready like Red Rover for them to come over or are you just ready for them to be over?
If you feel more like fa, la, la, blah- don’t worry you may just be in some good company, and it may even be those who invited you to their house.
For a lot of us single parent peeps, the holidays can be both happy and hard as they can bring up a lot of the past, even present pain.
Although the holidays can be a trigger, they don’t have to be a sign of trouble.
Learn 6- things you can do to put some hope in the holiday happenings that will happen to work for you.
13 Christmas Party Games for Kids
41 Best Christmas Party Games for Holiday Fun
40 Fun Games the Whole Family Can Enjoy
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INFORMATION & INSPIRATION: Shepherds Village University
It's a Single Mom Thing, Not the Single Thing That Stops You!