Get ready to meet Emil, the dynamic force behind ETECH 7 and AI Autopilot! Hailing from the bustling streets of Manhattan and with roots in Uzbekistan, Emil's journey from an economics student at Baruch College to a tech innovator is nothing short of inspiring. Join us as we dive into how he's revolutionizing ticketing automation for MSPs with cutting-edge AI technology and what is vision is for how AI’s role amongst MSPs is only going to grow. Folks you won't want to miss this, ABRA Ca DABRA - let the magic happen.
My name is Madhur Duggar and I work in the M&A space for the Software and IT Service companies and this is my podcast series M&A Insights. If you are interested in having a conversation around the strategic direction of your firm, are looking to grow your book and want some marketing and business development help or are an investor looking to make an acquisition in this space, write to me at or reach out to me on
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