Episode description
It's about high time we talk about doing things your way in your business. Join me and special guest Melanie Knights as we dive into a lovely conversation around what it means to be an entrepreneurial outlaw.
Melanie is a self published author, business mentor and host of the podcast Entrepreneurial Outlaws. She describes her work as the entrepreneurial intersection of strategy, spirituality and self inquiry where she supports creative folks in building successful, aligned and soul fulfilling online businesses while breaking the rules. Melanie is an advocate for building businesses that serve your lifestyle, encouraging you to develop and nurture strategies which allow you to mold your business around your life, rather than trying to fit yourself into a box. Her deep love for the storytelling found in Country, Americana and Folk music continues to inspire her work and has paved new and exciting paths for her business as she continues to break molds and challenge the status quo of online business.
Find the show notes from today's episode here: https://www.mindfulproductivityblog.com/podcasts-by-episode/165
Learn how to self-publish your own planner: https://www.publishaplanner.com/guide/
Come say hi on to both Melanie and I Instagram @melanie_knights87 @entrepreneurial_outlaws @mindfulproductivityblog
Find more planners & mindful productivity resources over at MindfulProductivityBlog.com
Find more resources over at SarahSteckler.com
Come say hi on Instagram @sarahsteckler