This is a phenomenal one that will rock you to your core. Julia is breaking down the barriers and the previously held stigmas of what DREAMING is really all about!
In this episode, Julia & Jordan talk about...
About Julia Gentry
Whether it's traveling full time, raising a family of four young children, building businesses, or growth coaching, Julia Gentry has dedicated her life to wake up dreamers everywhere and she’s inviting people into an opportunity to change the conversation to one that REALLY matters.
By the age of twenty-three, Julia built a successful company in real estate that bought and sold millions of dollars worth of investment property only to end up $100,000 in debt. She then rebuilt her career as a business coach, advising hundreds of entrepreneurs on how to build a successful business. She bought the house and nice cars, had a few babies, and obtained “the American dream” only to realize it wasn’t her dream. Every night as she crawled into bed, she had this nagging question in the back of her mind: IS THERE SOMETHING MORE?
Thankfully, she identified the answer to that question (YES), and it has become a “wake-up call” that the people of the world didn’t know they always needed!
Julia provides a fresh, bold approach to creating greater alignment in life and encourages a more awakened way to live. She is on a mission to create a massive wake-up call that ignites people to be the light in the dark, the salt of the earth, and to be bold as lions in their faith, family, career, and community.
Connect with Julia
Get her Book! Dream: I Dare You
Audible: Dream: I Dare You
Instagram: @thejuliagentry