In my fourth live coaching session, this caller felt like they had earned an unfair reputation as someone who struggles with collaboration in the workplace. The caller wanted guidance on transforming past perceptions into a new reality.
The caller reveals both their superpower and its shadow. They are an opinionated product manager, blessed with exceptional taste and intuition. However, these traits also lead them to resist compromise. We confront the caller’s shadow, and explore frameworks and strategies essential for effective collaboration.
Privacy is paramount for these calls, so we have anonymized the content and received permission from the caller to ensure no personal or sensitive information is disclosed.
In today's episode, we discuss:
(00:00) Introduction
(01:56) Caller context
(05:02) Caller’s reputation as a “rebel leader”
(07:11) How can I change people’s perception of me?
(08:37) Nikhyl’s response
(12:05) What the caller wants to avoid
(13:09) Nikhyl outlines two choices
(15:12) Should I optimize for short or long-term career wins?
[00:15:41] Nikhyl’s advice on risk and reward
(17:38) Should I leave big tech and become a founder?
(19:25) Nikhyl’s notes on compromise
(20:57) Should I play organizational Game of Thrones?
(21:45) Nikhyl’s recommendation
(25:39) Key takeaways from today’s episode
(33:03) Key links for this podcast
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