Episode description
00:00:15 Introduction
00:01:03 Aran Khanna and his background
00:05:12 The Marauder’s Map that Facebook hated(Chrome Extension)
00:20:11 Why Google made Kubernetes
00:31:14 Horizontal and Vertical Auto-Scaling
00:35:54 Zencastr
00:39:53 How machines talk to each other
00:46:32 Sidecars
00:48:25 Resources to learn Kubernetes
00:52:59 Archera
00:59:31 Opportunities at Archera
01:01:08 Archera for End Users
01:02:30 Archera as a Company
01:05:46 Farewells
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Aran Khanna, Cofounder of Archera:
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aran-khanna/
- Website: http://arankhanna.com/menu.html
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/arankhanna
- Website: https://archera.ai/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/archera-ai/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/archeraai
- Website: https://kubernetes.io/
- Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE77h7dmoQU
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