Episode description
- “If you have different values, features, or quality items you can use this in an email to highlight how your brand compares to competitors.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
- “Instead of you grabbing the phone number, Usual Wines takes the approach of having people message you.” @jadesai94 #DTCPOD
We Speak About:
- [00:44] Breaking down Felix Gray’s differentiation email
- [03:48] Usual Wine’s SMS strategy
In today’s episode of fantastic emails and texts, we’re looking at content from Felix Gray and Usual Wines.
Felix Gray is a brand that differentiates itself by providing high-quality Blue Light eyewear while Usual Wines is a brand that takes an artful approach to making real wine and delivering it in generous single-serve glasses.
Felix Gray sends out a great email that differentiates itself from competitors and Usual Wines has an unusual strategy to get customers to text first
Stay tuned as we dive into an awesome email from Felix Gray and a unique SMS style from Usual Wines.
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Mentioned Links:
Felix Gray’s email on differentiation: https://reallygoodemails.com/emails/what-makes-us-different
Usual Wines website with SMS capture at the bottom: https://usualwines.com/