8:08 - 8:14 It's all about knowing... but before you start with why you do, you have to know why you do what you do.
10:15 - 10:24 Our very survival depends on our ability to surround ourselves with people who believe on what we believe.
10:25 - 10:29 When we are surrounded by people on what we believe. Trust emerges!
10:34 - 10:48 When we're in an environment, when we're in a community, when we're in a neighborhood, when we're in a company, where we trust them, and they trust us, we're more willing to take risks, we're more willing to explore, we're more willing to experiment with the confidence.
15:42 - 16:37 The whole concept of some of these branding exercises, where you go out into the market and ask all your customers what you should, who you should be and what you should do.
20:47 - 20:52 Thomas Edison says, a Vision Without execution is hallucination.
20:56 - 21:04 You can have the world's biggest vision. But if you can't actually execute, if you can't actually get anything out the door, that's going to fail.
29:11 - 29:29 If you feel that you belong there, understanding your own purpose and trying to understand why you why you love it there and, and even if you all you can talk about his experience, even if all you can talk about is your own personal experience and anecdote that that's enough to resonate with the people who believe what you believe.
43:31 - 43:36 The goal is not to serve all customers. The goal is to serve the people who believe what you believe.
46:37 - 46:41 People who believe what you believe will take risks on you.
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