Every day, hundreds of thousands of veterans (and likely a lot more) retreat to the fringes of society. They flinch at every unexpected sound. They go from “zero to a thousand” at the least provocation. They smother themselves into oblivion with drugs and alcohol as night after night of rejuvenating sleep evades them.
What, as a society, can we do? My guest this episode is Dr. Janine Sagert and she has an unconventional answer: plant medicine. She was the content producer of the documentary, From Shock to Awe, which follows the transformational journey of veterans with PTSD who open themselves up to the healing potential of these miracle plant medicines.
Listen now to hear about how this documentary came to be and how vets can *finally* get some reprieve from the waking nightmare many find themselves in.
Coming from a military family and her own personal experiences with psychedelics, Dr. Janine Sagert received her doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley with a sub-speciality in altered states of consciousness. She has gone on to coach high-level executives and seminars with meditation. She was the content producer of the documentary From Shock to Awe which follows the transformational journey of veterans with plant medicine.
Show Notes:
Have you heard of the healing power of plant medicine? What if there was a natural process someone could undergo to help them with trauma, PTSD, and more? Today I welcome Dr. Janine Sagert to the podcast. In this episode, we discuss how plant medicine like Ayahausca can rewire the brain and take the stored emotion out of past traumatic experiences. Dr. Janine Sagert shares how these plants can help calm veterans' nervous systems, rewrite negative stories we hold on to, and learn to love beyond the so-called darkness inside of us. Listen to this episode now to discover the possible future of healing and spirituality.
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
Find More of Janine Sagert Here:
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