The man who created Bluefish, the internationally famous company that makes once in a lifetime events happen for the rich and famous. Sims has arranged many adventures for clients. Sims has networked and befriended many powerful people including: Donald Trump, Sting, Andrea Bocelli and Elon Musk. In 2016, Sims landed a publishing deal with Simon & Schuster for his book, "Bluefish: The Art of Making Things Happen".
Sims current project features an app called Taste of Blue that offers a more accessible route to unique and luxury outcomes. Sims has been featured in over 30 TV shows, over 60 major publications, and has spoken at many events including Harvard.
6:01 - 6:25 While everyone stood around going, "I'd love to do this", and then spending the next 20 minutes telling you why it can't be done, I am like the Emperor's New Clothes, I'm sitting there scratching my head. "Why can't you? You have the resources to do it. Why aren't you doing it?" -Steve Sims
08:47- 8:54 I always believe that if you get the wrong answer, you are asking the wrong person the wrong question. - Steve Sims
11:14 - 11:28 People don't do stuff. They don't set goals immediately. They put up the walls of objection, and naturally stick themselves in a hole and go "I can't do it".
15:01 - 15:07 Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as you.
15:53 - 16:05 Any relationship has to have a value. If you look at anyone that you hang around with, be selfish and self-centered and ask yourself the question: "What do they bring to the relationship?" - Steve Sims
22:06 - 22:12 Never ask a question that can be answered with a "yes" or a "no" unless those are the answers you're willing to accept. -Steve Sims
22:49 - 23:16 The best way to get you to interact with me, is getting someone to introduce us. If I contact you, and I say, hey, talk to you, because I'm brilliant. I'm wonderful. I've done these amazing things, you're gonna turn around and think he's self promoting these arrogant, he's, you know, he's full of himself. But if I get your best friend or someone that's credible, to introduce us. Now it's gospel. -Steve Sims
26:19 - 26:29 We need to get back to learning how to communicate. I don't believe I'm a great negotiator. I don't believe I'm a great communicator. I just believe I communicate well enough. - Steve Sims
35:18 - 35:31 You can lose your money but you can't lose your dreams and your memories, and those stories.
45:30 - 45:52 Identify and calculate your "pain" so you can avoid it. But you should always remember it. Never the pain because that's what's gonna drive you.
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