Emmy Award winning investigative journalist. She's been an anchor and correspondent at CNN. She's also worked at CBS News for many years . She is the host of Sinclair's Sunday TV program full measure. Her first book was called “Stonewalled” by fighting for truth against the forces of obstruction, intimidation and harassment and Obama's Washington. Her second one was called the “Smear” how shady political operatives and fake news control what you see, what you think and how you vote.
7:17 - 7:37 Do not believe anything easily. It doesn't mean it's false, doesn't mean it's not true, but it might be out of context. And you just can't tell these days. You just have to suspend your belief system for the moment till you know more.
7:40 - 8:07 There's transparency with technology. We can find out what anybody said, whenever. On the other hand, technology has actually been a tool for manipulation, channeling the narrative in a way that serves an agenda as opposed to actually telling the truth.
8:59 - 9:15 Saryl Attkisson's take on current news: If they're all talking about the same couple of stories, and almost nothing else, that makes me suspicious. My automatic thought is not, hey, that's true. Or Gee, that's a burning news topic. My automatic thought is, who's putting that out, you know, who wants this narrative to be furthered?
13:41 - 14:07 Try not to take stories in general. Stories are brought to reporters through what look like charities, nonprofits, PR firms, or certain sources. And they're speaking on behalf of paid clients in ways they don't always disclose.
20:26 - 20:36 To understand human behavior is to understand that not everybody thinks the same way.
25:09 - 25:34 The possibility for manipulation and the possibility for channeling thought is very human nature.
33:37 - 34:14 Learn to compartmentalize facts from your own personal emotions. How you feel about certain things doesn't necessarily mean it's the truth.
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