Episode description
Big week for Istio! Craig talks to Mitch Connors, Istio user experience working group lead and IstioCon program committee co-chair, about the project and the conference. Mitch talks to Craig about the news that Istio has been proposed to the CNCF.
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- 40th anniversary of the ZX Spectrum
- Some soothing YouTube channels:
- Some conference talks about the Commodore 64:
- DevOps for the ZX Spectrum
- Manic Miner
- Istio has applied to join the CNCF
- Istio mode in Tanzu Service Mesh
- KubeVirt moves to Incubation phase in CNCF
- New sandbox projects:
- OpenFunction, from Kubesphere
- Teller, from Spectral Ops
- Sealer, from Alibaba
- Chainguard Enforce
- EKS Blueprints
- Unit 42 finds serious vulnerabilities in AWS log4shell hotfix
- Tanzu State of Kubernetes report
- Go article in the Communications of the ACM
- Please support DevOpsDays Kyiv