Craig Mermel is the President and Chief Product Officer at Precision Neuroscience which is a company looking to commercialize Brain-Computer Interfaces using a minimally implantation method and a soft electrode device.
***This podcast is sponsored by Iris Biomedical, check out their Neurotech Startup Services here***
Top 3 Takeaways
0:45 Do you want to introduce yourself better than I just did?
1:30 Why did you leave Apple and Google?
2:30 What is Precision and why is it special?
6:00 What's the funding look like?
8:00 "Why hasn't this been done before?"
10:00 Are you thinking about licensing out the technology?
11:15 Iris Biomedical ad sponsorship
12:00 What's your role now in Precision?"
12:45 "What are some of your biggest challenges?"
15:30 You guys raised $12M, why specifically this number?
19:00 "What are some, best practices or traps to avoid?"
21:45 Let's do a deeper dive into your work at Google and Apple
27:30 How would you compare working at Google and Apple vs being in a startup?
29:15 "Is there anything that we didn't talk about that you wanted to mention?"