If you’re an established web designer, think back to your first year in business. What was your highest paid project? Aside from some exceptions, I’m guessing it was in the low-thousands…or hundreds.
Well, Ben Forred, a web designer who’s still in his first year of business, building it as a side hustle alongside full-time corporate employment recently landed a $7,500 website package and in this podcast chat, shares the entire journey on how he did it.
We cover:
This is a bit of a 2-part convo because we also dig into Ben’s desire to leave his corporate job to have the freedom and flexibility he wants in his personal life as a Dad to a growing young family.
Ben’s story on how he got into web design really sets the stage for the quick progress he’s made in less than a year. It’s evident that he’s serious about this web business and is going for it - and as one of our top engaged members of Web Designer Pro™…I feel honored to have a part in his journey.
Incredible first year that he expands on here. Next step…6-figures and freedom!
Get all links and resources mentioned along with a full transcription at:
View all Web Design Business Podcasts with show notes and full transcriptions at: https://joshhall.co/podcast
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