Welcome back!
We're sorry we were gone for so long. Life jumped out at us in so many ways, and while we were in the States visiting, we just couldn't seem to find the [quiet] time to sit down and record a few episodes.
However, now that we're back, we're planning on releasing a new episode every week on Wednesday.
In this episode, Part 1 of 3, we start talking about Naples. Specifically, the history! While it's not quite as full of battles, giant buildings, and togas as Rome, the city of Naples is even older than Rome and has remained one of the most important cities in the Mediterranean; even today that history affects the food, language, and culture.
If there's anything you'd like us to cover, or questions you might have, please reach out to us through Darcy's website (darcymeltonfineart.com) since we only now realized that Only A Bag's website (onlyabag.com) doesn't have a contact page! Soon to be rectified.
Until then, as always, thank you so much for your time and for listening!