Find your vocations:
Rosemary was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently undergoing treatment, yet she’s still checking in with her accountability stand-up group weekly and being such an encouragement in our community.
Rosemary I would just love to hear your testimony of seeing God’s work in your life and family even as you’ve been struggling with this new trial.
Inside Community Coaching you were sharing about how rewriting your vocation statements helped you step back from stressful responses. I know it’s one of those exercises that looks like it’s extra, it’s gravy. How have you found it helpful to have those vocation statements appropriate to your current season?
Rosemary lives with her husband John and five kids jn beautiful Northern California. She is a homemaker and homeschooler who loves to read, garden, and dance. She is fascinated with teaching and learning in all settings.
Mystie Winckler encourages moms to organize their attitudes and get traction at home so we are no longer overwhelmed or frustrated with homemaking. We are a community of Christian women striving to be competent, cheerful homemakers so we are fruitful, faithful, and hospitable. Subscribe for regular encouragement!
📖 Get my latest book - Simplified Organization: Learn to Love What Must Be Done
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