Join the Empowered Wife book club inside Convivial Circle:
The Simply Convivial team discusses what it takes to have a happy marriage - and why that's so important.
Empowered Wife (find on Amazon: ) sounds cringy and feminist, but it's actually about taking responsibility for yourself, about recognizing and stopping excuses and blaming and complaining, and embracing a femininity that enjoys masculinity. It's "empowered" because wives are the relationship keepers, connection-makers; we do a lot to make everyone around us either flourish or flounder in misery.
Laura Doyle teaches 6 skills to foster connection, intimacy, with your husband and in a lot of ways, most of them boil down to learning how to be a happy, content, feminine woman - where feminine doesn't mean frilly and flowery, but biologically and culturally feminine - nurturing, relationship-fostering, connection-making, receptive, grateful home-builders.
Then she also throughout admonishes women to not belittle men for being masculine, but be quiet when we're uncomfortable with masculine expressions and appreciate being given special treatment because we're women, and to not emasculate our husbands with disrespect - which she goes to great lengths of very normal examples to show how easily we slip into disrespectful expressions.
So I'd love to hear some of your takeaways or thoughts from anywhere in the book, really, about what it means to embrace being a woman, being feminine.
Mystie Winckler encourages moms to organize their attitudes and get traction at home so we are no longer overwhelmed or frustrated with homemaking. We are a community of Christian women striving to be competent, cheerful homemakers so we are fruitful, faithful, and hospitable. Subscribe for regular encouragement!
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