On the fifth episode of the second season of the 365 Albums of 2021 host @tempiwmf and @hiddanas gather to renew their mission of listening to, on average, one album per day for the entirety of 2021. This week's Theme is artist we've seen live on stage.
After being a bit suspicious Reggie discovered how great of a theme this was. Together Reggie and John dive into artist from their past including surprise showings by Color Me Bad, Paula Cole, and Smash Mouth. We also visit some of our favorite groups including Dave Matthews Bands, Run River North, and Open Mike Eagle.
Additionally, using our theme of the week, we build two concerts using the artist we listened to for episode 5. Tempiwmf build Project Nostalgia & Hiddanas makes a concert worth of Burning Man's past. Per usual we finish the show with our top 5 albums of the week.
Next Week's Challenge: Mo Town Artist