Kev and Rob are unfazed by the time-travel shenanigans this week in "Face the Strange", accustomed as they are to weaving their way through the history of the Star Trek Universe. Inspired to revisit other times our characters became stuck revisiting other times, they discuss "Time Squared" (TNG), "The Visitor" (DS9), "Timescape" (TNG), and "Shattered" (VOY).
DIS 5×04 Face the Strange
TNG 3×15 Yesterday’s Enterprise
DIS 1×07 Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad
ST 1×02 Calypso
Firefly 1×08 Out of Gas
Trapped in time
TOS 3×13 Wink of an Eye
TOS 3×23 All Our Yesterdays
TNG 2×13 Time Squared
TNG 5×18 Cause and Effect (see also Subspace Radio #0)
DS9 4×03 The Visitor
VOY 5×06 Timeless
TNG 6×25 Timescape
VOY 7×11 Shattered
PIC 1×05 Stardust City Rag