Kev & Rob gush at the one-two punch of comedy and heartbreak delivered by "Charades" before breaking down the several different ways in which Vulcans are such jerks, revisiting "The Forge", "Awakening" and "Kir'Shara" (ENT), "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" (DS9), and "Journey to Babel" (TOS).
SNW 2×05 Charades
Doctor Who: The Empty Child, The Doctor Dances
SNW 1×05 Spock Amok
Mia Kirshner as Amanda Grayson
TOS 1×09 What Are Little Girls Made Of?
TOS 2×05 Amok Time
Subspace Radio #8: Sex in Star Trek
Vulcans are Jerks
Remembering Manny Coto, 1961-2023
ENT 4×07-09 The Forge / Awakening / Kir’Shara
ENT 1×01-02 Broken Bow
DS9 7×04 Take Me Out to the Holosuite
See also Subspace Radio #0: Mixing it up and Subspace Radio #18: The Holodeck
TOS 2×15 Journey to Babel
TNG 3×23 Sarek