After defeating the cloak-bees of the dimly-lit rock quarries of Trill, Rob and Kev take a stroll down the lane (or a swim up the milky river?) of Trill history, discussing all of the joined Trill that they have encountered in their travels. They discuss "Facets" (DS9), "Rejoined" (DS9) and "The Host" (TNG).
DIS 5×03 Jinaal
DIS 3×04 Forget Me Not
DS9 3×25 Facets
DIS 4×03 Choose to Live
TAS 1×02 Yesteryear
Matt’s So-Cast Pod: A podcast about My So-Called Life
DS9 3×25 Facets
DS9 4x10 Our Man Bashir
DS9 7x15 Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang
DS9 6x13 Far Beyond the Stars – see also Subspace Radio #0 Mixing it Up
DS9 7×13 Field of Fire
DS9 3×04 Equilibrium
DS9 2×17 Playing God
DS9 4×06 Rejoined
TNG 4×23 The Host
See also Subspace Radio #33 Canon retcons
DS9 2×04 Invasive Procedures
DS9 5×22 Children of Time