Bret and Matt are joined by two engineers in Docker's leadership - Chief Technology Officer Justin Cormack and Senior Manager of Developer Relations Michael Irwin, to talk about recent Docker Hub changes, as well as their latest product releases.
We touch on Docker's latest updates and announcements, focusing on the early releases of Docker Scout, Docker plus WebAssembly, and the Telepresence extension for Docker Desktop. We also look at Docker's version 23 release, its first major update in three years, with key changes including BuildKit becoming the default builder, the ability to run alternate containerd shims, and a return to semantic versioning.
Other updates include new Swarm features and deprecation of older features, specifically older storage drivers.
In the show we also cover Docker's recent announcement and subsequent retraction of a plan to require free Docker Hub organizations to move to different plans.
Live recording of the complete show from March 23, 2023 is on YouTube (Ep. #208).
Docker v23 release
Docker Hub org changes
Docker Scout
Technical preview of Docker+Wasm
Telepresence for Docker announcement
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