Bret is joined by Natan Yellin, the co-founder of to talk Kubernetes and Prometheus monitoring, alerting, and maybe some CPU limit ranting.
Robusta tries to fill the gap left by Kubernetes' own AlertManager which has a very specific and not so helpful way of describing events in your cluster. This makes it hard to diagnose the cause of the event and you're left with Google, StackOverflow and an awful lot of head-scratching. Robusta acts as a proxy between AlertManager and your notification platform of choice.
In the show we talk about what Robusta is, how to deploy it in your clusters, and Natan also details some of the enhancements in their cloud offering that you can layer on top of that, which has a generous free tier.
Streamed live on YouTube on January 5, 2023.
Unedited live recording of this show on YouTube (Ep. #197). Includes demos.
Robusta Website
Robusta on GitHub
KubeCon - Building a Runbook Automation System for Prometheus and Kubernetes
Stop using K8s CPU limits
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