Bret and Matt are joined by Corey Quinn to talk about AWS and containers.
Corey Quinn is the Chief Cloud Economist at the Duckbill Group. You may have seen or heard some of his in-depth AWS content, including his Last Week in AWS newsletter and blog, Corey's podcast Screaming in the Cloud and the AWS Morning Brief, or his highly produced YouTube videos on the Last Week in AWS channel.
Corey runs the Duckbill Group, a company of people focused on helping clients understand and manage their cloud spend. If I had to describe Corey in a sentence, he's a quick thinking AWS expert who is one part cloud strategist, and one part sarcasm.
The inspiration for this show came from his blog series, focused on all the ways to run containers on AWS, which is to say there's a lot. Dozens of ways, in fact, which I took as a testament to how containers have won the cloud as the primary way to package and deploy software to servers. Now, the hard part for us is to figure out which method we're going to choose for running those containers.
We go on lots of tangents, but overall it was a fun conversation and I hope you enjoy this episode.
Live recording of the complete show from May 4, 2023 is on YouTube (Ep. #214).
The Cloud Resume Challenge
Last Week in AWS
17 ways to run containers on AWS
17 MORE ways to run containers on AWS
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