GitOps, DevSecOps & Kubernetes w/ GitLab
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Episode description
In this episode of Kubernetes Bytes, Ryan and Bhavin talk Cesar Saavedra of Gitlab about the importance of GitOps, DevSecOps and more with Kubernetes. They also cover what Gitlab has to offer in this particular space and what new features they have been working on.
- EKS/Container Marketplace as EKS add-ons https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-aws-marketplace-for-containers-now-supports-direct-deployment-to-amazon-eks-clusters/
- New – Announcing Amazon EFS Elastic Throughput
- This new throughput mode is designed to provide your applications with as much throughput as they need with pay-as-you-use pricing.
- Trivy now scans Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) - https://blog.aquasec.com/trivy-now-scans-amazon-machine-images-amis
- multicloud with crunchy postgres https://www.crunchydata.com/blog/multi-cloud-strategies-with-crunchy-postgres-for-kubernetes
- Get ready for 1.26 https://www.armosec.io/blog/kubernetes-1-26-everything-you-should-know/
- Get ready for 1.26 (diff vendor) https://sysdig.com/blog/kubernetes-1-26-whats-new/
- Argo has graduated - Dec 6 - https://www.cncf.io/announcements/2022/12/06/the-cloud-native-computing-foundation-announces-argo-has-graduated/
- Flux graduates from CNCF incubator - Nov 30 https://www.cncf.io/announcements/2022/11/30/flux-graduates-from-cncf-incubator/
GitLab Snapshots (YouTube videos)