2023 is a year for the record books as world changing technologies such as AI once believed to be science fiction become science fact. The most exotic technologies, however, are thought to be related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon and may also have an AI connection. At the vanguard of the new generation of UAP researchers is Jay Anderson. He kicks off our Galactic Macro series with David Dorr as they discuss the breathtaking disclosures coming out of the U.S. Pentagon and connect the dots to unraveling a mystery that may be as old as humanity itself. What will be revealed in the new physics displayed by UAP and documented by the world's best military signal intelligence systems? Has the U.S., Russia, China or anyone else made breakthroughs in physics that are not yet publicly known? Are we alone? The implications of what we discuss not only could impact every aspect of financial markets, they could impact every aspect of how we view our place in the universe.
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Episode TimeStamps:
03:08 - Introduction to Jay Andersen and Project Unity
08:50 - The tipping point
20:51 - An ever-changing phenomenon
29:29 - Increasing encounters - why now?
37:41 - The importance of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
42:25 - Evolving into a new human species
50:12 - Staying well prepared for new...