Welcome to the 4th episode in this special week long celebration of 12 months of the Let’s Talk Money and more podcast and the addition of male guests to the line up.
Today’s special guest is Paul Sayer a seasoned charity event organiser and fundraising consultant who has worked with a wide range of charities from large nationals to smaller local organisations for about 30 years.
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018 but was fortunate enough to find and receive a minimally invasive treatment called focal therapy using just ultrasound to target and destroy just the cancerous cells, leaving surrounding tissue unharmed. The treatment preserved his lifestyle functionality.
Having benefited from focal therapy and so being very aware of the better lifestyle outcome and minimal recovery times, Paul decided to create a charity to fight for wider access and awareness of these treatment options, so Prost8 UK was born in early 2019 . Today Prost8 is striving to raise funds to buy, donate and deploy focal therapy suites into strategic NHS hospitals across the UK as clinicians are struggling to obtain funding to roll this out.
But it should not be the job of a charity to do the work of the Dept of Health or the NHS so Paul is launching a high profile campaign to pressure government organisations to step up and do the right thing for thousands of men with low to intermediate grade prostate cancer.
Key Takeaways
Focal therapy treatment allows the surgeon to target just the tumor or the cancer cells with ultrasound leaving surrounding tissues unharmed.
A charity has to be treated very much like a business, but you don't have the same control over sales, income revenue and such and very much focused on the well being of others.
People have more of an interest in giving money to a charity when they've been touched in some way themselves or know someone has been touched or a disaster happened somewhere in the world that particularly grabs their interest.
In terms of researching and trying to find those sources of information, take control. But do it in a sensible way. Don't just read everything that comes up on the internet.
Be your own health advocate. Take responsibility of your own health, don’t wait for others to do it for you.
Connect with Paul Sayer
Website www.prost8.org.uk
LinkedIn https://uk.linkedin.com/in/paul-sayer-2b68086
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