Productivity is toxic. 😵
We live in a culture that has turned productivity into a measure of self-worth, creating an unfulfilling and one-sided relationship with success.
It’s time to break free from the cycle. Afterall, productivity is a man-made construct. No wonder you don’t feel enough 🙄.
This episode was inspired by a moment in my own life this past week—feeling “guilty” for not helping my son with his math homework while my husband stepped in. In that moment, I thought, “I’m a bad mother,” simply because I wasn’t doing everything (even after a very full day and week of activity). But I paused, I caught myself in the spiral of thoughts, and I’m sharing how I moved through it (because I know I’m not alone…).
Listen in as I cover:
The toxic nature of productivity makes us believe we’re always falling short. The reality: we’re not supposed to do it ALL. So, why do you keep kicking yourself in the 🍑 over it?
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