Where do whales live? Where do they go? These are just some of the questions the US federal government would like to answer by introducing a bill (H.R. 10292) called the Whale CHARTS Act.
In this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lauren discusses the recently introduced Whale Conservation Habitat Analysis Research and Technical Strategies Act, also known as the Whale Charts Act. This bipartisan legislation aims to enhance the protection of baleen and sperm whales by improving our understanding of their feeding areas, calving grounds, and migration routes.
Key points covered in the episode include:
Objectives of the Whale Charts Act: The bill seeks to create high-resolution distribution maps of whale populations, develop predictive models to forecast shifts in whale habitats due to climate change, and conduct targeted research on understudied baleen whale species.
Importance of Mapping: Enhanced mapping and predictive modeling are crucial for preventing dangerous collisions between vessels and whales. The North Atlantic right whale, for example, is often struck by ships, and understanding their migration routes is essential for their conservation.
Use of Technology: The act encourages the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to utilize innovative data sources, such as passive acoustic monitoring and satellite imagery, to improve the accuracy of habitat maps. This technology integration aims to safeguard marine wildlife while ensuring safer navigation for boaters.
Bipartisan Support: The episode emphasizes that the Whale Charts Act has bipartisan support, making it a viable piece of legislation that could pass. Listeners are encouraged to contact their federal representatives to express support for the bill.
Overall, the episode highlights the significance of mapping and tracking whale populations not only for their protection but also for the safety of human activities in marine environments. By leveraging advanced technology and data, the Whale Charts Act represents a proactive step towards harmonizing maritime operations with the natural behaviors of whales.
Link to article: https://ecomagazine.com/news/policy/new-bill-introduced-to-improve-predictive-mapping-technology-for-whale-and-boater-safety/
US Congresspeople associated with the bill:
Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Florida): https://buchanan.house.gov/constituent-validation
Rep. Doris Matsui (D-California): https://matsuiforms.house.gov/contact/
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis(R-New York): https://malliotakis.house.gov/contact
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-California): https://huffman.house.gov/contact/
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