Why is division such a challenging concept for students to grasp, despite it being a fundamental part of elementary math?
Many teachers struggle to teach division in a way that truly sticks, often leading students to view it as confusing or disconnected from other math concepts. But imagine a classroom where students confidently approach division and see its connection to fractions, proportional reasoning, and algebraic thinking.
In this episode, you’ll uncover two types of division by using friendly numbers and contexts, unlocking connections to other areas of math. You'll also gain insight into how understanding these two types of division can pave the way for stronger math reasoning skills. Plus, you'll explore practical strategies for engaging students in hands-on division tasks that enhance their conceptual understanding.
Play this episode now and discover how knowing these two types will help transform division lessons into powerful, connection-building opportunities for your students.
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Are you wondering how to create K-12 math lesson plans that leave students so engaged they don’t want to stop exploring your math curriculum when the bell rings? In their podcast, Kyle Pearce and Jon Orr—founders of MakeMathMoments.com—share over 19 years of experience inspiring K-12 math students, teachers, and district leaders with effective math activities, engaging resources, and innovative math leadership strategies. Through a 6-step framework, they guide K-12 classroom teachers and district math coordinators on building a strong, balanced math program that grows student and teacher impact. Each week, gain fresh ideas, feedback, and practical strategies to feel more confident and motivate students to see the beauty in math. Start making math moments today by listening to Episode #139: "Making Math Moments From Day 1 to 180.