Once you have a rudimentary understanding of your camera, and someone wants you to photograph their event, their party, their kid, or they want you to take their headshot, don’t do it for free. Send your potential client a copy of your price list, a documented affirmation that demonstrates the value of your photography work. Your price list a sign that you're a professional. It shows potential clients you've considered the costs of working as a professional photographer and that you're serious about your business. It also prevents you from making mistakes like overcharging or more importantly, undercharging clients and finding that after you've accounted for your time, services, cost of goods, and cost of doing business, you're actually in the negative.
Below are links to additional articles and sites about appropriate pricing for your photography work. Keep in mind that pricing and rates vary by regions but in lower priced regions that's still not an excuse to undersell yourself. These articles are worth the read for learning about pricing.
Black Lives Matter Mural East Orange, NJ
Expert Photography with attention to the sections "Factors to Consider Before Setting Your Rates" and "Photography Rates at a Glance."
Guide to Pricing Photography Print by Shot Kit. See the considerations that lead a photographer to charge more than $50 for an 8 x 10 photo that cost about $13 to print.
Sue Bryce (Membership Required)
Tanya Smith: Episode 14, “A Simple Price List for Higher Sales”
Episode 2, “Why You Should Never Offer Free Shoots.”
Podcast Link: CluedUp with Maria B: The Behind the Scenes Photography Podcast
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Questions or Comments? Reach out at MariaB@CluedUpBTS.com and I'll be in touch* directly or address your comment on the podcast.
*By submitting a question or statement, you agree that your submission can be discussed publicly on the podcast, website, or other platforms owned by or affiliated with CluedUpBTS and its parent company, HeadshotNJ, and affiliate company Maria B Photography Studio. while retaining your anonymity.