Episode 10: Have you ever thought about how much money you spend on photography education...and why?
In this week's episode we discuss how to get the most out of your photography education, who to follow and why, putting a limit on how much you spend on monthly subscriptions, and the criteria you should use in deciding which educators you should pay to follow.
Also in this week's episode and central to your photography education is learning about your personal learning style: How best do you learn and what does the mean in terms of your choices in who to follow as a photography educator and how you spend your money on photography education.
Links to some of the photography educators and their platforms are listed below and in the show notes for this week's episode found on the episode's webpage. In addition, the website also has links to special pricing currently available until December 31, 2020.
Matthew Jordan Smith
Photography Lighting Course by Matthew Jordan Smith
Jerry Ghionis Photography Training
Aaron Nace PHLEARN
Little Pieces Photography by Kelly Brown
Steve Saporito Education (Photography Business)
Pratik Naik (Retoucher)
Earth Oliver (Retoucher)
Questions or Comments? Reach out at MariaB@CluedUpBTS.com and I'll be in touch* directly or address your comment on the podcast.
*By submitting a question or statement, you agree that your submission can be discussed publicly on the podcast, website, or other platforms owned by or affiliated with CluedUpBTS and its parent company, HeadshotNJ, and affiliate company Maria B Photography Studio. while retaining your anonymity.