Episode description
The Babysitters catch up and chase down a prophecy in the middle of Knowhere. Simon and Thori get social. Kate and Sebastian keep things steady. Miles schools the others.
Special guests
Kate Welch: https://www.instagram.com/katewelchhhh/
Gabe Hicks: https://instagram.com/gabejamesgames/
We're playing the Marvel Multiverse RPG: https://www.marvel.com/rpg
Additional Music in this Episode: “We must explore” by Moon Toad: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/moon-toad/; “The Application of Aleatoricisim in Artificial Sound” by Omniman: https://www.jamendo.com/artist/433514/omniman; “Stars” by Beat Mekanik: https://linktr.ee/beatmekanik; "Luminescent' by Mind's Eye: https://soundcloud.com/mindseye4; “City view from Torni” by Brylie Christopher Oxley: https://brylie.bandcamp.com/; “ATH” by Lex Villena: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2iwj2SqGnplhDIadeJ5bmy?si=N8WYSKIPR7WUy8z4ajNSog.”Agoraphobia” by Holizna: https://holiznaroyaltyfree.bandcamp.com/; “choice” by Roman: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/roman/; and “Cattails” by Triple5 Here: https://soundcloud.com/steven-stresau.