Episode description
Security doors and corporate offices stand between the Abnimals and their one chance at finding Carver. Can they wind their way through the cubicle maze to deliver a heartfelt apology?
Abnimals Theme by Justin McElroy, Eric Near (https://bit.ly/ericnearmusic) and Jonathan Coulton (https://www.jonathancoulton.com/).
Additional Music in this Episode: "Hellafunk", "Slingshot", and "Bittersweet" by Mr. Smith: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSk2j0fTMw9V94UGyfWrSuA?; "Darude - Sandstorm [Chiptune Version]" by BildPünkT: https://soundcloud.com/lichttrager; "Task Man" by Gamesharkoff: https://gagmesharkoff.bandcamp.com/; and "Air" by Jesse Spillane: http://www.jessespillane.com/.
Palestine Children's Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/