People change, people quit, get bored, betray, talk smack… and you shouldn’t lose your mind over it! Does loyalty still exist in network marketing? I think it does! I’m loyal to my team, my products, my company, my family... But some things are unavoidable in our business! Let’s talk about personal values, team culture, the good, the bad, and how to stay strong through it all.
“People are not loyal to you, they are loyal to what you have to offer them.”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
01:35 - Let’s admit it. Loyalty could also be this
03:33 - Do’s and don’ts when someone quits your team
06:53 - If I am to rank loyalty, I’d always do it this way
09:28 - Should the time come that you ever leave your company, remember this
10:06 - Episode outro