Even during tough times, there are people out there crushing it in their network marketing business! We brought the amazing Jenn Cooper to talk about what will have the biggest impact in the profession this year, and how making a conscious change will determine how your business develops.
“You’ll never go wrong building your skill set, because that’s what's gonna make you money, no matter what’s going on in the world.”
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More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
01:07 - Don’t make these mistakes if you want to build a network marketing business in 2024
04:33 - Aside from the unlimited income potential, one more thing we love about network marketing is...
05:44 - If building a team is one of your biggest goals this year, you have to do this
12:25 - Here’s why now is prime time to double down on your biz building efforts
16:10 - Building these things ahead of time will set you apart from the rest of the competition
19:39 - Regardless of the industry you're in, you will never go wrong building and developing this
21:07 - Episode outro