If you feel like your network marketing business is not getting attention on social media, you have to listen to the GNC strategy by Brian Fryer! This unique way of looking at the tools available on your socials will help you use them more efficiently and attract people who are interested in what you’re selling.
“Make the best out of your time spent on social media by switching from consumer to creator!”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
03:01 - Start producing this type of content on Facebook and Instagram to achieve optimal growth
06:01 - If you’re not doing this inside your Facebook groups, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to grow
12:37 - This is the best way to nurture your content and followers on Social Media
13:35 - Do these 2-3 times a week on your stories and see how it magnifies your views
15:19 - It is where money is made. Start doubling down on it
18:11 - Episode outro