Your team is sleeping? Time to wake them up! Andrea Gebhardt is sharing the best ways to motivate your team to get better, focus on the income producing activities and teach them how to create duplication in your network marketing business! Listen to her story, get inspired and implement these tips today!
“Motivation doesn’t last very long… but commitment does.”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
01:08 - How can someone from the education industry build a network marketing business
04:43 - Best tips to stay motivated and build success even if you’re working part-time
08:45 - If you’re a leader but If you’re a leader who wants to keep building a team, you need to hear this
09:35 - This is why we always say events change lives!
15:17 - Two things you need to stop doing to achieve long-term success
17:10 - Episode outro