Not every month is gonna be a month of growth for your network marketing business. The best part about having your own home business is that you have no boss… but that’s also kinda the worst part. You gotta develop yourself into a leader to build a sustained income! Here's how Brianna Franks did it.
“Excitement fades away fast when you face a tough month. Find support in other leaders!”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode Intro
01:31 - It’s a decision you need to make, and you must do it now!
04:59 - This conversation is for you if your business is not where you want it to be
07:09 - If you’re a leader wanting to stay consistent and laser-focused on your and your team’s goals, hear this!
13:07 - As a leader, you must understand this fact about having a team
15:47 - Episode outro