Recruiting is one of the fundamental skills in network marketing. It is also the biggest thing everyone in this business struggles with! If you’re not good at it yet, there’s probably a few reasons why you’re bad. I hope this episode helps you correct the course, so you can keep getting better!
“Just because you feel like you suck at it now, doesn’t mean you’ll never get better. Don’t give up!”
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
01:21 - If you’re actively recruiting and experiencing this, it’s normal
04:15 - This may sting a little, but you need to hear it
07:12 - Start with this goal and see how it transforms your business
09:25 - Get good at this and you'll attract more people to you
10:15 - If leading with the opportunity isn’t your jam, here’s what you should start doing
11:01 - Episode outro