We don't want you to just earn money with your network marketing business, we want you to build wealth! But how do you get ahead in finance if you don't know much about it? You learn from people with experience and results. We brought Brian Carruthers, a top earner in our industry, to teach us about money.
"Most people are tempted by quick money and spend it right away. Building wealth means taking control of your finances with a goal in mind."
More juicy resources:
00:00 - Episode intro
02:42 - This will change the way you think about wealth-building
07:10 - Most people have an adverse relationship with money because they’re taught this growing up
11:01 - Become smarter with your money with these wise investment tips
16:57 - Here’s why it’s always good to pay your taxes quarterly
17:30 - This is highly encouraged when you’re investing for the first time
19:47 - Did you know you can decide how much you want your account to be when you retire? Here’s how
21:40 - Episode outro