The first two episodes of many fans’ least favorite season have the Guy Girls meandering on a wide range of topics. We move from some straightforward continuity questions (How is Lucifer able to be sunburned? And how did he not lose Amenadiel’s necklace when he was kidnapped?) to observations about the treatment of faith and hope (Ella humansplains faith to an angel!).
In more abstract overthinking, we use comedy as an entree to think about “theft” (not plagiarism!) as essential to creativity, muse on how penis-size jokes are fundamentally trans-phobic, and commiserate around the sex appeal of emotional brokenness and/or unavailability.
We also spend a good amount of time bemoaning just how silly “Sinner Man” sounds when you say it out loud: instead of striking fear in our hearts, the moniker makes us crave sticky buns…
Emily’s book is Stacked: Your Super-Serious Guide to Modern Money Management
Originally published as a YouTube show with different theme music.
Our theme song is "Feral Angel Waltz" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
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