A short break does more than just fuel our bodies, it strengthens our minds. Our overworked guest tries the Swedish practice of 'Fika' – taking short coffee breaks throughout the work day.
Link to episode transcript: https://tinyurl.com/yuj69daf
Episode summary:
In the United States, we’re taught that it’s a good thing to work more, and work harder. But research shows that overworking isn’t just physically and mentally draining, it can also be deadly. One strategy to manage our work culture? Take more breaks. Our guest this week is Mike Heyliger, a music executive and self-described “workaholic.” He incorporated the Swedish tradition of fika – taking coffee and snack breaks throughout the day – into his own life, and found it not only helped him de-stress, it also shifted his mindset and enabled him to connect with others. Later, we look at the scientific benefits of taking microbreaks and hear from Anna Brones, co-author of Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break.
Actively choose to take a break during your day. Typically, fika breaks happen twice. Once in the morning and once in the mid-afternoon.
Traditionally, fika breaks include a drink, like coffee, and a snack, but this is not required. Often, fika breaks are taken with others.
Today’s guests:
Mike Heyliger is a music executive and the creator of Detoxicity, a podcast on progressive masculinity.
Learn more about Mike’s Initiative, ‘Mindful Vinyl’: https://mindfulvinyl.org/about/
Listen to Mike’s Podcast, ‘Detoxicity’: https://tinyurl.com/vc72tjn2
Anna Brones is a Swedish-American writer and artist. She produces the newsletter and podcast, Creative Fuel. Anna is also the co-author of Fika: The Art of the Swedish Coffee Break.
Learn more about Anna and her work: https://www.annabrones.com/about
Listen to the Creative Fuel Podcast: https://www.creativefuelcollective.com/podcast
Read Anna’s book on Fika: https://tinyurl.com/yhdzaj2m
Resources from The Greater Good Science Center:
Five Reasons to Take a Break from Screens: https://tinyurl.com/333tuvax
Why You Should Take More Time Off from Work: https://tinyurl.com/k5brkp46
Tuesday Tip: Take a Break: https://tinyurl.com/5986ste3
How to Avoid Burnout – or a Breakdown: https://tinyurl.com/bddw7cap
Why You Should Take a Relaxing Lunch Break: https://tinyurl.com/2p8axdba
More Resources on Fika:
NYT - In Sweden, the Fika Experience: https://tinyurl.com/54wpw8p5
Insider - A daily habit from Sweden could make you more productive at work: https://tinyurl.com/4exjydrr
TED - Forget the Pecking Order at Work: https://tinyurl.com/yk68dmzy
BBC - The Swedish tradition that can make you happier at work: https://tinyurl.com/yx28x2v8
Have you tried incorporating fika in your life? Tell us how it went. Email us at happinesspod@berkeley.edu or use the hashtag #happinesspod.
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