Simple actions like consciously placing a hand on your heart or hugging yourself can lower your cortisol levels, heart rate, and help you feel less stressed. Our guest tries a practice in self-soothing touch.
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Episode summary:
While reading this, you might be fiddling with your fingers or have a hand resting on your face -– these are examples of self-touch. This week, we are examining the benefits of offering ourselves soothing touches with comedian Calvin Cato. Calvin leads a busy, stressful life. He tried the self-soothing touch practice as a way to better connect with himself. He found that physically caring for himself allowed him to reground his emotions and regulate his stress. To his surprise, the physical sensations also triggered fond childhood memories with his father. Later, we hear from self-compassion and mindfulness expert Aljoscha Dreisoerner about why we evolved to crave touch and how self-touch can be as effective as getting a hug from someone else.
Place one or both hands on your heart or stomach.
Placing your right hand on your heart and the left on your belly while focusing on the rising and falling of the breath.
Stroke your arms or cheeks.
Place your right hand under your left arm, by the side of the heart. Place your left hand on the top of your right arm.
Try the practice you choose for at least twenty seconds. While doing the practice, focus on taking a few deep breaths, drawing attention to the pressure and warmth of your hands.
Repeat as many times as you would like.
Today’s guests:
Calvin Cato is a comedian and writer based in New York City.
Learn more about Calvin:
Read Calvin’s personal essay in Queendom:
Follow Calvin on Twitter:
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Aljoscha Dreisoerner is a Post Doctorate at The University of Vienna interested in self-compassion and mindfulness.
Learn about Aljoscha’s work:
Follow Aljoscha on Twitter:
Follow Aljoscha on Facebook:
Resources from The Greater Good Science Center:
Why Physical Touch Matters for Your Well-Being:
Hands On Research: The Science of Touch:
Four Ways Hugs Are Good for Your Health:
How Touch Shapes Emotion:
More Resources on self soothing touch:
CBC - Self-soothing strategies to help break a chain of anxious thoughts quickly:
TED - Bonus: Self-soothing exercises with Dr. Kristin Neff:
Business Insider - It's possible to be literally starved for touch — here are the symptoms of the condition:
Have you tried giving yourself a hug recently? Email us at or use the hashtag #happinesspod.
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